Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Sea Solace

...after some upsetting news on the health front sea solace was required....

The Secret

In the profoundest ocean
there is a rainbow shell,
It is always there, shining most stilly
Under the greatest storm waves
That the old Greek called 'ripples of laughter."
As you listen, the rainbow shell
Sings-in the profoundest ocean.
It is always there, singing most silently!

Katherine Mansfield

Eternal Sea

There is something in being near the sea,
like the confines of eternity. It is a new
element, a pure abstraction.m  The mind
loves to hover on that which is endless, 
and forever the same.

I wonder at the sea, that vast Leviathan,
rolled round the earth, smiling in its sleep,
waked into fury, fathomless, boundless,
a huge world of water-drops -Whence is it,
whither goes it, is it of eternity or of nothing?

William Hazlitt

Sea dreams

Sit in reverie and 
the changing colour
of the waves
that break
the idle seashore
of the mind.

H.W. Longfellow

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