Saturday, October 5, 2013

beautiful gardening weather

...we have had the most beautiful warm and sunny days, the garden has been looking pretty and the perfume in the air is gorgeous.  Daphne, Eucrifia, Viburnums, deciduous azaleas, Fragmatissima and Princess Alice and blossom all scenting the breeze and wafting their sweetness to me....

of course some have to be picked and enjoyed inside.

Th hyacinths have been very fragrant in the warmth.

If I had but two loaves of bread,
I would sell one and buy
hyacinths for they would
feed my soul.

The Koran

There are always Flowers
for those who want to see them.

Henri Matisse

White butterflies in the air;
white daisies prank the ground:
The cherry and the hoary pear
scatter their snow around.

Robert Bridges

The little clematis, Alpina has prettily entwined herself through the white cherry...

joy in looking and comprehending is 
nature's most beautiful gift.

Albert Einstein

...a posy for a friend.

 The vege garden has some colour too.. can be in unexpected places!

I did a lot of stitching this last week too and the second sneaky creature cross stitch is finished  and at the framers...just love when you finish a project.

Have  a happy week



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