Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tussie Mussies

A couple of friends needed a little cheering up this past week, so a bit of Tussie Mussie making was required! Tussie Mussies (or victorian posies) are usually made with the smaller garden flowers and herbs,put together in a tight bunch, rotating it as you go so it ends up round,then to finish it off it has a circlet of leaves, I love them, and even in the darkest, shortest days of winter, little treasures can be found, enough for a Tussie.
This weeks ones weren't really small and there were some rain marked flowers popped in, but the fragrance was lovely.
Its traditional to include herbs as in times long past ladies carried these little herbal nosegays to ward off illnesses and to disguise unpleasant odours whilst out and about!
lambs ear makes a lovely edging,

alpine strawberry leaves are also good, they are such a fresh bright green, sometimes I like to put the tussies in a vintage cup as part of the gift, in this case it was a pretty little creamy jug.

The lovely Mary Rose has been showing off and demanding attention drawing notice to herself through the window,
Art class last week, more flowers! water colour daisies, lots of learning happening...sooooooooo tired when I get home from this 'leisure' class!
..........so to revive oneself after class and some grocery shopping, some chirpy asters for the house!

We had a night at the crib, Saturday was grey and overcast but good for a walk on the North Beach where you can look over to Riverton

our wee house is almost at the point, in the distant cloudbank Stewart Island hides...
The North Beach has lots of areas of thick shells, and that delicious smell of the sea!
No photos from Sunday, the sun came out and I was much too busy bodyboarding  not another soul in the bay...bliss!
No work tomorrow, the weather forecast is for rain and southerlies but I am still optimistically hoping for a day in the garden.

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